[REVIEW] “Good Night 12 tea bags cube” of IDO TEA.

This post is in collaboration with IDO TEA. 

One of my new hobbies, which came to be with the cold weather, is tea ceremony! =D

It doesn't mean that it's a fancy or formal way..

it's just taking my own time and healing myself with tea.

I brought one of the tea for this tea ceremony today :)

I chose 'Good Night Tea' from a variety of tea from IDO TEA because it was made with

essential elements that are necessary for people but not easy to consume

due to the strong taste and flavor!

A total of 12 tea bags.

It feels very traditional and professional and you can check all the products in the catalog that comes with it.

You can choose and drink tea by body type and body part!!! It's amazing.

It is neatly individually packed and can be carried in a bag, making it easy to carry.

The package looks very traditional. 

So who's drinking for whom?

Feel always tired.

Feel always sleepy.

Drinks a lot. 

Are stressed a lot.

Can't concentrate.

Have caffeine sensitivity.

Consume too much caffeine. 

Are easily irritated or often feel anxious. 

Would like to properly focus on something. 

Regularly consume junk food. 

Are overworking. 

Are concerned about hair loss.

Can't easily fall asleep.

It has a traditional flavor and it feels like the tea goes deep inside.

You can find the difference between normal tea or commercial teas in the market!


Put a teabag in 10~15oz of boiling water or in a 2L of bottled water. 

Check IDO TEA on the website below.


Source: https://m.blog.naver.com/h_myself99/222592253682

 through cellypick cellypick.com

Disclaimer: These teas are not medicines or therapies. They are comforting and cleansing beverages, not intended to treat, cure, diagnose or mitigate any disease or condition. 

Visit: IDO Korean Fermented Tea


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