[DTX] REVIEW - The Healthy Way To Detox, Healthy Herbal Tea, DTX WHITE.


When you overate but the food is clogged up, and feel your body is greasy or bloating! 

Here I bring DTX WHITE, a perfect healthy tea drink for detox when you feel like this. 

Thanks to the fermentation technology using microorganisms, DTX WHITE has a deep flavor and makes your stomach easy~

DTX WHITE by IDO TEA is sugar-free, caffeine-free, artificial additive-free, and has zero calories that don't use the artificial sweeteners but use a sweet from nature, can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere
in a size that fits in your hand.. 

It is enjoyable for people of all ages and even children. 

DTX WHITE is 500ml per bottle, Made of 100% Korean and 77% organic herbs, and containing a mixed fermented herb tea extract 0.28% [lotus leaf, mulberry leaf, tangerine peel, Japanese ladybell, hydrangea leaf], it says it gives you a peaceful and healing moment for both your body and mind. 


IDO TEA fermenting the ingredients, not just putting them as they are, because the strong taste and nature become softer and the flavor deepens and it absorbs easily,

making the tea easily enjoyable by everyone!

It says you can feel your lightened body if you drink it every day. 

I think it's great to drink it instead of water or beverage as it's zero-calorie.

It feels like it's a tea with a light herbal aroma. hehe

It feels good to drink it lightly instead of bottled water because it doesn't have an artificial taste.

It tastes better when you drink it as iced or warm.

Try and enjoy DTX WHITE instead of bottled water~!

Visit:IDO Korean Fermented Tea


Source: https://m.blog.naver.com/jinnysfactory/222493064046

 through 0.8L https://www.08liter.com/try

Disclaimer: These teas are not medicines or therapies. They are comforting and cleansing beverages, not intended to treat, cure, diagnose or mitigate any disease or condition. 



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