Relief Tea, It is Good For Someone With Heavy Chest.
Relief Tea
(3, 10, 30 Teabags)
Specially made for someone with heavy chest
After a busy day, shoulders ache, neck is hard and chest is heavy,
all because of dispirited body.
With fermented Relief tea, take a deep breathe.
(3, 10, 30 Teabags)
Brew the Tea
1. Balloonflower Root 40% (Korean)
This plant is beloved for its good meaning, "Changes for better condition". Blossoms with purple flowers in summer, dried out during winter and reborns in spring. Balloonflower goes through those same processes 3 times.
When it hibernates with 3 years deposition of all the nutritious inside, than we collect it with care and use it with its crust.
In Korea, we have been using balloonflower boiled, when we get sore and dry throat during winter time.
Balloonflower's root has own strong scent and bitterness, and contains various saponin.
This also reborns as soft and elegant fermented tea with IDO's special fermentation process.
2. miltiorrkizae Root 30% (Korean)
Miltiorrkizae root has redish root, and it is kind of perennial Lamiaceae type plant, originated from China, it grows in Bonghwa region where has clean air.
It's redish root has bitter and unique scent, it becomes fabulous red and tastes soft when it is processed as fermented tea.
Miltiorrkizae root is one of the most effective medicinal ingredient against modern people's eating habits that causes adult diseases.
IDO uses Bonghwa and Gicheong mountain botanical garden's naturally grown miltiorrkizae root, and it becomes soft and elegant fermented tea with IDO's special fermentation process.
3. Polygoni Root 20% (Korean)
Polygoni root is kind of knotgrass vine plant, tuberous root type.
Among food companies, sometimes they have white polygoni root based products, red polygoni root is different from them. It has redish crust and inside, when you cut it open. On its cross section, it has unique daisy patterns.
It rarely grows in the mountains of Korea, IDO uses Gicheong mountain botanical garden and Wando Island's polygoni root.
Polygoni root has its legend of turning hairs into black. Also known for giving strength to muscle and bones of elders.
Polygoni root is the natural medicinal ingredient, popularly known as the food of strengthening brain, which can replace energy drinks.
When IDO uses polygoni root for the tea, we only uses more than 3 years old polygoni tuberous root, which is bit bitter and hard however with IDO's special fermentation process, it becomes soft and elegant taste fermented tea.
4. Lonicera Flower 10% (Chinese)
It's named due to at the end of its vine, there is small blossom, it's white flower turns into yellow as it grows. It does grow in the mountains of Korea.
Sometimes people grow them for decorative plant because its flower is so beautiful.
It's scent is so fantastic that it hold one's nose when the flower blooms. It's scent is similar to fresh oriental melon.
When IDO makes them into the tea, we only use early flower buds, collect them one by one with hands. Because that is the time when the growing hormone reaches its peak.
Don't worry about early flower buds are so small and bitter, even when it's boiled.
Lonicera flower reborns as soft and elegant fermented tea with Ido's special fermentation process.
"Relief Tea, Story Of Its First Birth"
The main ingredients Balloonflower root, miltiorrkizae root, polygoni root and Lonicera flower that are adopted in this tea has variety of functions & components. It grows through number of procedures to change it's strong, raw and tough taste into soft and tasty.
When we receive ingredients, the first sorting - washing - the second sorting - steaming - fermentation - drying - aging - drying - pan firing - the third sorting - packaging. After all these procedures, it reborns as new feature and taste.
To achieve Relief Tea's objective, long time of R&D found fantastic mixing ratio of 40:30:20:10 between Balloonflower root, miltiorrkizae root , polygoni root and Lonicera flower, it finally packed into triangle shaped tea bag.
Ways to Enjoy IDO's Fermented Tea
1. Brew for more than a minute with hot water (80 ~ 90℃) 300ml~500ml2. Can use coffee maker to brew
3. During summer, you can serve chilled
4. Like water, drink all day through
5. Can be enjoyed by children (no caffeine)
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